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Everyone’s a winner – why smart tariffs are good for all customers, even those not on them

We’re in the middle of a massive, system-wide transformation in energy. The change is crucial because the power sources we rely on are changing. Moving from “burning fossil fuels on demand” to “producing power according to when the sun’s shining and the wind’s blowing” means we need to look at new, creative ways to balance

Everyone’s a winner – why smart tariffs are good for all customers, even those not on them Read More »

Octopus Around the World: Japan

Welcome to our new series: Octopus Around the World. Since the origin of Octopus Energy in 2016, our tentacles have spread across countries and continents. From Texas to Japan, from Spain to New Zealand, we’re working hard to make green energy affordable and accessible to all. Today, we’re heading to Japan, where I sat down

Octopus Around the World: Japan Read More »

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